Our Connect Onsite
Make Teams Productive
We Connect collaboration turns conference calls into online meetings with messaging, web sharing, and video

Our IP Phones for Onsite
Phones For All Users
We designs and builds our IP Phones with elegance, enhanced features and superior quality.

Our Mobility
Never Miss A Call
We Connect mobility keeps you connected with desk phone features and functionality everywhere you go

Our Connect Contact Center
Enhance Customer Experiences
We Connect Contact Center nurtures profitable customer relationships by phone, chat and email

Our Small Business Edition 100
Improve Business Intelligence
SBE 100 caters to the communication needs of small and medium enterprises with SMB price.
Why choose Us?
We Connect lets you focus on communicating ideas, not on getting technology to work

Exceptional User Experience
All-in-one unified communications and collaboration revolutionizes the way you work
- One screen for everything—the ultra-sleek, next-gen Our Connect app
- VoIP call control, mobility apps, instant messaging, audio and web conferencing, video calling and online meetings included
- Smart features like Join button, event wizard, agenda timer, contacts timeline, and conference call-out do your work for you
- Share the Connect experience and online meetings with any contact—automatically

Robust VoIP Phone System Features
End-to-end—from phones to applications to network services—for solid performance
- Our IP Phones are ergonomically designed, feature fully integrated call handling keys, and deliver 7 octaves of superior sound quality
- IP PBX telephony includes 5 call handling modes for personalized routing; voicemail, auto attendant, workgroup features, music on hold, and more
- End-to-end means you can trust system upgrades and feature additions won't cause unexpected issues
- Our Services can support any stage of deployment from planning through implementation and ongoing monitoring

CRM and Business Process Integrations
Put more power behind every customer touch point
- Maximize your payback from popular business process apps
- Embed calling features directly into Saleforce®, NetSuite®, MS Dynamics® and other apps for faster performance
- Integrated call and customer histories are the foundation of business insights and trends
- Our offers over 50 advanced apps and integrations to extend the functionality of your Connect system

Unrivaled Business Communications Continuity
99.999% available—because you can't afford a moment of downtime
- Our signature modular architecture distributes system intelligence across your entire network, no matter how many locations
- Deploy our voice, router and app hardware onsite or run virtualized in your data center
- N+1 redundancy provides automatic failover for a WAN outage, for a voice switch outage or for an application server outage
- Voice switches operate independently of your network—never lose dialtone

Outstandingly Easy to Manage
Free your IT team from repetitive, time-consuming phone system management
- Our Connect Director delivers a single image, cross-browser view of all accounts, phones, trunks, and locations
- Easy account set up with "one click" user permissions for all call handling modes and features
- So easy to administer that non-technical employees can handle MACs in seconds

Lowest Total Cost of Ownership—Guaranteed
No other on-premises VoIP phone system matches our value
- Our Connect ONSITE is the easiest IP phone system to deploy, use, manage and scale
- Our SIP offers additional opportunities to save on telecom costs by working with your onsite phone system
- Because we've eliminated operational complexity, you spend less time on your phones
- By reducing impact on your IT department, our frees time and resources for other projects
- Ask about our lowest total cost of ownership guaranteee